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For my first move, I decided to do some research into the origins and general history of witchcraft from around the world. What I found is that witchcraft started back in the Paleolithic period, or the Old Stone Age. The religion was focused on fertility and sun, moon, earth, and spirit. This was because human lives revolved around agriculture and the seasons, but the seasons revolved around the movement of the earth, sun and moon. Witches from this era worshipped gods and goddesses that were derived from the elements. The most important focus of traditional craft is that the earth is the center of life. Witches honor mother nature and her fertility, i.e. the productions of crops and enough food to feed everyone. Witchcraft also values the idea of a mutual energy that runs through all living things, and the rebound of energy that we put into the earth, so basically karma is a bitch and if you use Mother Nature’s energy to do harm to others, then you will receive that energy back multifold.



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Move 1: Misconceptions

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