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My Views


I believe in fate, but I also believe in randomness. It’s kind of a confusing view but I don’t believe that everything is fate, I just believe that the universe plans the most important turning points of your life but you choose and determine the way you get to those points. I also believe that the flow of energy throughout all things plays an important role in affecting your decisions that create your path to your next point.


The reason that I need to believe in something similar to a higher being and the idea of fate is because I would feel lost without it. I need to feel like I have a purpose and I am working towards it; I need to believe that everything is understood by someone or something or even a collection of people/things otherwise I would go mad trying to figure out all the answers to all of my questions. I need religion (not God or Christianity, but a religion of my own) because it is what sustains me and keeps me alive. As long as I know I am working towards a goal or point in my life, I am willing to live it and find out what happens next; I am willing to fight through the pain because I hope it will get better and that things will have meaning eventually even if they don’t right now.


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